1. Keith Rattray says:

    My sister Joyce Irene Jones died on 15 March 1974 aged 36. I am trying to trace her burial ground. I have a funeral card stating that she was buried on 21 March at Capel-y-Wig, service conducted by Reverend Eynon Thomas. I wonder if you could check your records for confirmation so that I can visit. Thank you, KEITH RATTRAY

  2. christinem says:

    Dear Keith
    Thank you for your message, I am very sorry to say that we are not able to help.
    Capel-y-Wig is an independent chapel not in the care of the Trust.
    It appears to still be in use as a chapel, I will contact a few people to check if this is the case. If it is still in use as a chapel, your best option would be to contact the congregation, I will get back to you shortly.

  3. Saira Holmes says:


    My great great grandparents were married in Kinnerton Chapel in Old Radnor on 21st May1850. I have been searching for information on the Chapel, so was pleased to find this website. I have now located it on Google Street View – looks like someone is ‘doing it up’ to live in:,-3.1095337,3a,90y,232.95h,84.26t/data=!3m9!1e1!3m7!1s-8DWPORkq2RFVNXBLde_-g!2e0!7i13312!8i6656!9m2!1b1!2i53?hl=en-GB

    The marriage record of my ancestors Abraham Bounds and Elizabeth Williams is attached. I hope it is of interest.

    All the best


    1. christinem says:

      Dear Sara
      Thank you for the information. I am glad to hear that it was some help to you.
      Good luck on your continued search


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