News and Events
Open Doors Online
Follow our twitter tomorrow @addoldaicymru and we will be supporting @RC_Survey #FaithBuildingsFriday taking you on a #VirtualVisit to Peniel Chapel, Tremadog and Beili Du, Pentrebach as part of #OpenDoorsOnline month. Through the day you can explore the #history and #architecture of these amazing buildings! Beili Du Project The Trust was successful with a small grant […]
The lottery Ladies of Tremadog!
The lottery Ladies of Tremadog get a free postcard, We are grateful to them! a Lottery Fund Grant has paid for repairs to the Iconic Grade I Peniel Chapel, so pop into the Tremadog Spar and get your free postcard now! thanks for buying lottery tickets! Pack of 5 cards- £4.00 available now […]

News and Events
Open Doors Online
Follow our twitter tomorrow @addoldaicymru and we will be supporting @RC_Survey #FaithBuildingsFriday taking you on a #VirtualVisit to Peniel Chapel, Tremadog and Beili Du, Pentrebach as part of #OpenDoorsOnline month. Through the day you can explore the #history and #architecture of these amazing buildings! Beili Du Project The Trust was successful with a small grant […]
The lottery Ladies of Tremadog!
The lottery Ladies of Tremadog get a free postcard, We are grateful to them! a Lottery Fund Grant has paid for repairs to the Iconic Grade I Peniel Chapel, so pop into the Tremadog Spar and get your free postcard now! thanks for buying lottery tickets! Pack of 5 cards- £4.00 available now […]

News and Events
Christmas Service
Hen Dŷ Cwrdd, Trecynon 8 December 2019, 11.00am For more information ; Aberdare Unitarians at Highland Place.
Interpretation workshop
CAPEL PENIEL, Tremadog Date: 18 October 2019 10.30-12.30am We need you! Have information about the story of Capel Peniel or ideas? Come along to contribute. Everyone welcome! Sian Shakespear

News and Events
Christmas Service
Hen Dŷ Cwrdd, Trecynon 8 December 2019, 11.00am For more information ; Aberdare Unitarians at Highland Place.
Interpretation workshop
CAPEL PENIEL, Tremadog Date: 18 October 2019 10.30-12.30am We need you! Have information about the story of Capel Peniel or ideas? Come along to contribute. Everyone welcome! Sian Shakespear

News and Events
Christmas Service
Hen Dŷ Cwrdd, Trecynon 8 December 2019, 11.00am For more information ; Aberdare Unitarians at Highland Place.
Interpretation workshop
CAPEL PENIEL, Tremadog Date: 18 October 2019 10.30-12.30am We need you! Have information about the story of Capel Peniel or ideas? Come along to contribute. Everyone welcome! Sian Shakespear
My great great grandparents were married in Kinnerton Chapel in Old Radnor on 21st May1850. I have been searching for information on the Chapel, so was pleased to find this website. I have now located it on Google Street View – looks like someone is ‘doing it up’ to live in:,-3.1095337,3a,90y,232.95h,84.26t/data=!3m9!1e1!3m7!1s-8DWPORkq2RFVNXBLde_-g!2e0!7i13312!8i6656!9m2!1b1!2i53?hl=en-GB
The marriage record of my ancestors Abraham Bounds and Elizabeth Williams is attached. I hope it is of interest.
All the best
Dear Sara
Thank you for the information. I am glad to hear that it was some help to you.
Good luck on your continued search