Siloh Baptist Chapel, Bridge Street, Tredegar,

5 thoughts on “Siloh Baptist Chapel, Bridge Street, Tredegar,”

  1. emyr morgan says:

    This chapel has certainly not been demolished – it is one of the few surviving buildings on Bridge Street. The 18th century date refers to a different site on the opposite side of the Sirhowy river. The earliest building on this site dates to 1806 which is consistent with the embryonic layout and realignment of roads around which the town of Tredegar developed in the early 19th century.

    1. christinem says:

      Dear Emyr
      Thanks for this, this comment will be addeessed by the Royal Commission
      Christine AC

  2. Susan Fielding says:

    Dear Emyr
    Many thanks indeed for your information regarding Siloh Baptist chapel. A new record has now been created for the 1762 chapel and the information updated for the current building. This has been carried out ion the RC database and may take a little time to show through on the information here. we very much appreciate further information and amendments that can help us improve the chapels database.
    Susan RC

  3. Saira Holmes says:


    My great great grandparents were married in Kinnerton Chapel in Old Radnor on 21st May1850. I have been searching for information on the Chapel, so was pleased to find this website. I have now located it on Google Street View – looks like someone is ‘doing it up’ to live in:,-3.1095337,3a,90y,232.95h,84.26t/data=!3m9!1e1!3m7!1s-8DWPORkq2RFVNXBLde_-g!2e0!7i13312!8i6656!9m2!1b1!2i53?hl=en-GB

    The marriage record of my ancestors Abraham Bounds and Elizabeth Williams is attached. I hope it is of interest.

    All the best


    1. christinem says:

      Dear Sara
      Thank you for the information. I am glad to hear that it was some help to you.
      Good luck on your continued search


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