Christ's Church, Maengwyn Street, Machynlleth

3 thoughts on “Christ's Church, Maengwyn Street, Machynlleth”

  1. Deanna Groom says:

    It was built in 1881, but closed for worship on 3 October 1965 and was demolished in August 1967. The site is now occupied by the town’s library. The foundation stone of the church has been retained and has been set up in the entrance. It was unveiled by the Bishop of Bangor in March 1990. It reads: ‘Under this spot was laid by Mary Cornelia, Marchioness of Londonderry, on the 1st day of June AD 1881. This is none other than the house of God.’ The tombstones of Mary Cornelia, Marchioness of Londonderry and other members of Y Plas family, can be seen in the churchyard of St Peter’s.

  2. Saira Holmes says:


    My great great grandparents were married in Kinnerton Chapel in Old Radnor on 21st May1850. I have been searching for information on the Chapel, so was pleased to find this website. I have now located it on Google Street View – looks like someone is ‘doing it up’ to live in:,-3.1095337,3a,90y,232.95h,84.26t/data=!3m9!1e1!3m7!1s-8DWPORkq2RFVNXBLde_-g!2e0!7i13312!8i6656!9m2!1b1!2i53?hl=en-GB

    The marriage record of my ancestors Abraham Bounds and Elizabeth Williams is attached. I hope it is of interest.

    All the best


    1. christinem says:

      Dear Sara
      Thank you for the information. I am glad to hear that it was some help to you.
      Good luck on your continued search


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